The False 9: The Tactic Every Soccer Player Should Now

 The False 9 is a classic goal-scoring tactic that has been around for literally 100 years—but what exactly is it? Here, we’ll take a deep dive into how a False 9 operates, which of your favorite women’s soccer players have perfected it, and how you can practice it!



What it is

To understand False 9, first, we have to outline some of the front-line jargon. First, we have the number 9 player, the striking center forward. And we also have the number 10 player, the playmaker who calls the shots and gets things going. The False 9 asks the number 9 player to play deeper in the midfield to take on some of the responsibilities of number 10. By bringing the number 9 player deeper into the midfield, where a 10 might normally be, it draws attention away from a dangerous player who is ready to switch into that striking 9 at the drop of a hat. Pulling a striker away from the top of the pitch allows for more aggressive plays and opportunities created. The False 9 also gives the number 10 freedom to move around in space and bring up more of those goal-scoring opportunities, which is how it differs from something like an attacking mid. 


The buzz created by the False 9 can be a big problem for the opposing team’s defense, specifically their center-backs. They can either follow that False 9 and get drawn out of position or risk giving them too much space and have that taken advantage of. In short, the False 9 is another great option for causing chaos and keeping the other team guessing. 


Who does it

If you’re looking for some real-life examples of the punch the False 9 can pack, take a look at some of the greatest players to do it. You’ve probably been watching a False 9 for a long time without really realizing it. For the last few years of her career, Alex Morgan shifted into this role across teams. You might remember pundits and analysts talking about Morgan putting up fewer points after the 2020 season, but that’s because she took on that assisting and play-making role. Instead of being an all-out striker, Morgan was stirring things up in the middle, setting the defense off center and opening it up for other players. 


Perhaps the best to be doing it now is Spain’s Jenni Hermoso. Though we didn’t see it when Spain was netting gold at the 2023 World Cup, she is one of the top False 9’s during league play. In fact, her ability to be so deadly at midfield for her country is a testament to just what it takes to be effective at False 9. Her ability to switch to this position has earned her a legacy of success, including a Champions League title. 


How you can do it 

Playing a False 9 takes a lot of trust and communication between the 9 and 10 players. They have to be in step with one another so there aren’t any collisions or overlaps. If 9 and 10 are doubling up on responsibilities, the whole thing falls apart. These two positions must be able to weave together and give each other the space and freedom required by this play. Running a False 9 takes planning and practice. But when it’s done right, it’s hard to beat. 


You can start training a False 9 with a few exercises at practice, like smaller-scale scrimmages, to drive the importance of creating space and dropping back. Your most effective drills will be zone-based. For example, separate half of the field into three zones, and in each zone, add a new element. The False 9 waits in Zone 3 while a 3 v 2 is being played in Zone 1. The False 9 will meet the ball in Zone 2, drop back into that space, and bring a fellow offensive player and a defender along with them to create that off-kilter backline. Quick pass drills are also helpful in getting this position to work; anything you can add to the mix to get a defender off balance will make you feel more comfortable with your False 9. Creating fast patterns and running a defender out can be just what you need to get that perfect opportunity to score. 

The False 9 is a well-tested tactic that can open up the entire game for your team if you put it together properly. Play around with it in practice and scrimmage, watch some tape of pros doing it, and decide if you might fit that False 9 role. 



