The Best Routine For the Day Before a Big Game

You’ve trained tirelessly to get to this point. The championship, the qualifier, whatever the stakes are, you’ve worked and worked to get to the big game. But how can you make sure that you perform at your very best, that you don’t let nerves or a poor night of sleep get in the way? The truth is, the best routine for the day before a big game looks different for every soccer player, but here are some tips to incorporate into your game day routine.



Eat Well

The first key component for the day before a big game is food. Eat well-balanced meals the day before. Try to eat things that are easy on the stomach, such as simple carbohydrates like bread or fresh fruit and proteins like chicken or cheese that don’t have that much fat in them. Along with eating well, drink lots of water so you are well hydrated for the big match. 


Especially take eating well into account if you’re the type of person who cannot eat before big games. Make sure you are fueling your body the day and night before. 

Additionally, be careful with caffeine consumption as it could affect your ability to sleep the night before your game, which could lead you to feel drowsy the next day. A little bit of caffeine could actually boost your mood and motivation, but too much could throw off your sleep. 



Visualize the Game

Another tip for preparing for a big game is to visualize yourself on the field. It may sound a little silly, but if you imagine things you’ll do on the field, like scoring, beating another player, or getting into a tackle, it will prepare your mind and body to achieve it during the game. 

You don’t have to sit with your eyes closed and imagine how the whole game will play out, but imagining yourself and how you’ll perform during the game may ease your nerves and boost your confidence.



Exercise Lightly

It may sound counterintuitive when rest should be one of your highest priorities, but incorporating a quick workout into your routine the day before a big game can actually enhance how you play. 

By completing a short and easy workout prior to game day, you prepare your muscles and nerves for the next day. It can also help dispel those pre-game jitters.




Getting adequate rest is essential to prepare for a big game. Make sure that getting a good night’s rest is already a high priority in your regular routine, but especially prioritize it the night before a big game. 

A Stanford study found that allotting some extra time at night to sleep can also enhance your performance the next day. One night with a little extra sleep can improve your energy and performance, in addition to ensuring you’re not restricting your sleep which can relieve stress. 



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