Jump Rope Workouts for Every Skill Level

When the word cardio comes to mind, the first workout we think of is running. And let’s be honest…not all of us love going for a run, even though cardio is an essential part of the soccer lifestyle. No worries! Not only can you get a great cardio session in by skipping rope, but an amazing workout as well. 


Socceristas, switch up your workout routine with these simple jump rope workouts. These will help you have fun while trying something new, and still keep you in shape for soccer season. 

For the beginners 

Don’t be afraid to jump rope if you’ve never tried before. It can be intimidating and frustrating at first. But once you get the hang of it, you’ll be a pro in no time. 


Below is a 12 minute workout video that helps beginners get the hang of skipping rope. 


Not everyone is a master with the rope, and that’s perfectly fine. If you need some more beginner practice, below is a 10 minute workout video with Toni Mitchell. She incorporates jump roping and plyometrics for beginners. You can always grab a friend and try this workout to stay fit for training. Just grab your phone to keep a timer!


For the semi-pro jumpers

If the basics are too easy for you, then check out Sara Solomon’s 10 minute workout video. She demonstrates different styles of jumping rope to get your heart pumping. Not only with you be jumping rope, but will be moving your feet in different ways. This can help improve stamina and foot work on the pitch. 

Are you a fan of running bleachers, but feel like it gets repetitive? Then try to jump rope up some stairs. In the video below, Bruce G from Rope Ragers skip rope up some steps. If you’re up for the challenge, take your time. Start off slow so you don’t trip and fall.


For the more advance Socceristas

This is perfect for the Socceristas who always have their soccer ball by their side, and can’t seem to get rid of it. Adrienn Banhegyi has a whole Instagram account designed for working out with a jump rope. But the other day she showed fans how to skip rope while toe bouncing. 

So if you think you can do, go grab a jump rope and your soccer ball, and try to keep up. 


If you want something that looks more cool, and filled with tricks, check out the video below. Jump rope expert Mira Wate, filmed a video on Instagram showing off her jump roping skills while staying on beat to a EDM song. 

Try to practice cool foot work like Mira while you’re jumping rope. 


Jump roping may seem a bit boring, and intimating. But with practice, jumping can become a part of your soccer lifestyle. So go give your heart a good workout by skipping rope. 

Feature photo via Adobe Stock @Goffkein
