Post-Traumatic Growth: How to Overcome an Injury the Right Way

Soccer is filled with uncertainty; you can be at the top of your game, and then boom, tragedy hits unexpectedly. One bad landing, tackle, or injury could quickly change the course of your soccer path.


Athletes who undergo restrictive injuries are faced with many changes in their cognitive, emotional, and behavioral state. Unfortunately, rehabilitation professionals, such as athletic trainers and physical therapists, merely diagnose and treat the physical aspects of the injury. This leaves the psychological aspects of rehab to be neglected and or not addressed.

However, if patients are treated properly, post-traumatic growth could occur. This is seen as the resilience gained after trauma. In the end, it can result in a new appreciation of life, better relationships with others, opportunities for new possibilities, and greater personal strength.


Today, we will explore positive tactics to overcome the setbacks of an injury and grow from that experience.ย 


Seek Support

When you’re out of the game and stuck in a state of distress, it’s easy to detach yourself from significant people in your life.


It is also a common misconception that asking for help makes you look weak or needy, but instead, we should highlight the positive impact that it has. Leaning on close family and friends lessens the load you put on yourself.

A strong support system can promote healthy habits and a better self-perception, giving back a stronger sense of identity. This is also an opportunity to create an identity outside of soccer and better your relationships with others.ย 



Document Progress

A recovering athlete should be encouraged to document their progress. Something as simple as taking photos/videos, tracking stats, or just writing down your pain level on that day can greatly impact your mental state.

Having proof of progress is a visual reminder that you are constantly growing and improving, even if it is a minor progression.

For instance, when I was going through my ACL tear, I took videos and pictures of my entire journey. Each day it was a constant struggle to stay motivated but looking back at my small achievements made it easier to strive for more. This gave me a new appreciation for things I previously took for granted.ย 



Empower Yourself

Donโ€™t let your injury define you or control your life. Instead, maintain control of your goals and decisions to regulate the path you are going.

If you allow your injury to consume you, you will be left hopeless and discouraged. Instead, use your hardships to make you stronger.


For example, if you injure your right leg, use that as an opportunity to strengthen your skill on your left. Empower yourself in any way that you can, and donโ€™t dwell on the things you canโ€™t change.ย 



Lastly, professional help, like a therapist, can be very influential on your road to recovery. Sports psychologists have a broad spectrum of issues they can treat. They can range from injuries to performance enhancement to coping with competitive pressures.


Talking to a professional can provide more depth and understanding of the situation. Another form of therapeutic practice is meditation. Meditation can help calm nerves, relax the body, and help you get a better night’s rest which are all things that can foster a post-traumatic growth mindset.



Injury rehabilitation takes a toll on every soccer player, mentally and physically. Injuries are bound to come with sadness and negative feelings, but ultimately, you control how you feel about your recovery.


If handled correctly, you can turn your trauma into a strength. Remember that every hardship is a chance to learn and grow. Open yourself to new opportunities, create better relationships with those around you, gain a deeper appreciation of life, and become stronger.


Featured image via Adobe Stock Images

