How to Cope With Not Getting Into Your Dream School

The world of college soccer and athletics is a seriously competitive one. Millions of people out there are going for just a handful of spots at each school, so not everyone will make their dream college soccer program.


If you don’t get into your dream school, it will feel awful, but it is not the end of the world, no matter how much it might feel that way. Here are a few ways to cope with this particular brand of bad news. 



Don’t Beat Yourself Up

First things first, and this may be the hardest step for some, do not beat yourself up. Being too hard on yourself never helps in a tough situation like this. Odds are you’ll be dwelling on things you could have done differently, but it does not do to dwell.

If you’re going to look back at missed opportunities, it should be to learn and to grow. Clear your mind of regret and move forward with a plan to improve. 



Find the Silver Lining 

There is always a silver lining, no matter how dark it seems.

Maybe your dream school would have taken you far away from your support network or would have been a huge financial burden. Maybe they didn’t have a good program for the major you were looking to pursue.

Even if it was your dream school, nothing is perfect, and there are other college soccer teams out there. Finding the silver lining is a big step towards acceptance. 



Talk it Out

It may seem like a silly thing, but talking is a tried and true coping mechanism. Set up a talkfest with your teammates, tell your parents how you’re feeling, see if your non-Soccerista best friend or sibling has any advice.

If nothing else, getting the way you feel out in the world will make you feel lighter and help you take steps toward your new future. 



Know You’re Not Alone

College soccer is fierce, competitive, and elite; if you didn’t get in, you are certainly not alone. Not everyone can end up at their dream school.

Find comfort in knowing that this is not something that is only happening to you, and it doesn’t make you any less stellar and amazing of a Soccerista.


The fact is, more people will be denied than accepted, so keep that in mind if you don’t get in. 


Keep Working

No matter what happens, never stop working. Maybe you didn’t make the biggest splash to the college soccer recruiter the first time around, but that doesn’t mean you give up.


If you’re accepted to another program, pour all of your efforts into that team. If you’re set on that dream school, submit a highlight reel to the recruiter, apply for a transfer, or attempt to walk on.

There are always ways to chase your dreams. 



Just because you didn’t get into your dream school doesn’t mean that your dream has to end; it just means that it has to change a little bit. Never stop working toward what you want out of life, be it soccer or a career in athletics, or just happiness in general.


Featured Image via Adobe Stock @dtiberio
