10 Pieces of Advice from Varsity Soccer Players

Transitioning to a varsity sport can seem daunting. Most, if not all, varsity athletes will agree, however, that participating in high school and college sports can be incredibly fulfilling! Below are ten pieces of advice for soccer players, coming from varsity players themselves!



1. Treat your teammates well

Many Socceristas find that their teammates become their best friends. Be open to forming close-knit connections. Even if you don’t become besties with every teammate, always be kind and helpful to your fellow socceristas!



2. Choose your school based on its “energies”

Most varsity soccer players find that statistics and wins are not the most important thing about choosing a college and team. In fact, most Socceristas are happiest when they choose a school for its culture. After all, it is nice to win a game, but it is more important to enjoy soccer and the girls you play with.



3. Stay conditioned year-round

Keeping in shape will make the transition into the season much easier. Of course, this doesn’t mean that you should be in full training mode every day of the year, but it does mean that you should be prepared to hit the gym from time to time when you are in the off-season. However, if you don’t, it’s not the end of the world. But be prepared to push a little harder when it comes time to play again!


4. Learn to keep a good schedule

Varsity soccer can be time-consuming. There’s conditioning, practice, games, and travel—all of this is on top of studying and possibly working! So learning to keep a planner and an organized schedule can be really helpful so that you don’t fall behind in any area of your life. It’s all about balance!



5. Maintain your diet

Speaking of having a lot to juggle—it can be easy to feel too lazy or forgetful about eating. However, it is so important to eat all of your meals so that you can feel like your best self. If you have a meal plan when you get to college, use it!



6. You can always ask for help!

When you do make mistakes or can’t quite get something down, reach out! Your teammates, especially those who are older, will love to help you and appreciate your willingness to ask for it. Be honest with yourself about how you can improve. Your team will be thankful for your dedication!


7. You can also always help!

Being a good teammate is not always about playing well. Your attitude will affect those around you. Even when you are not on the field due to an injury or other reason, your positivity and enthusiasm for the team will be more helpful than you realize!



8. It is OK to lose

As mentioned, soccer is not always about winning. Doing well feels good, but making mistakes is necessary for learning. There will be some close games and some not-so-close games. You will have some great moments and some huge mess-ups. Remember that if you are patient with your teammates, they will be patient with you! Try your best, enjoy the game, and understand that you will lose sometimes, and that is OK.



9. Don’t give up, even when it gets hard

Varsity soccer can bring challenges and difficulties. It’s a big commitment in an already busy life. You might feel defeated sometimes, but you are in the same boat as your teammates. If you ever feel like quitting, think about the good times that you have experienced and the even better times to come.


10. Enjoy the ride

With all this said, enjoy your time as a varsity soccer player! It is a unique and special time. You will look back with fondness, pride in yourself, and a lifelong love for an amazing sport.


Keep these pieces of advice in mind throughout your soccer career. You will find that following these tips will help you improve your soccer skills, form positive relationships, and have a memorable and fun time.


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