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Untold: Hope Solo vs. U.S. Soccer – Inside the Rise, Fall, and Fight of an Icon

Hope Solo, one of the greatest goalkeepers of all time and the “bad girl” of the USWNT, is the subject of Netflix’s newest episode of Untold. Untold: Hope Solo vs U.S. Soccer allows Solo to tell the story of her career—”the good, the bad, and the ugly,” in her own words–as she’s never gotten to before. Solo got into her fair share of trouble during her career, but her departure from the soccer world was abrupt, to say the least. So what exactly happened? Let’s get into it. 

We get an introduction to her life through interviews with college coaches, old friends, and Solo herself. When asked how she would describe herself in one word, Solo chose “tough” and noted that she’s had to be tough her entire life. Her home life was unsteady, raised by a single mother with an estranged but beloved father living in the woods of Washington. The one place Solo could shake all of that off was the pitch. Solo was always a star and always wanted to be great. The woman we know as an elite goalkeeper actually began her career as a striker. And an excellent one at that.

But even as a two-time state champ and record holder for most goals scored in the state of Washington, her home life still got in the way. When Solo’s mom sat her down and told her they couldn’t afford for Hope to play travel soccer anymore, it could have all ended there. But the community stepped in. Solo moved in with lifelong friend and teammate Cheryl Hirss, a prominent voice in this documentary, so she could finish the season and receive equipment, rides, and whatever else she needed from teammates, coaches, and friends. After an unexpected reunion with her father, Solo rescinded her commitment to the University of Virginia in favor of the University of Washington so he could take the bus to watch her play. 

At UW, under the tutelage of Lesle Gallimore and Amy Griffin, Solo began her career as a legendary keeper. The National team quickly scooped her up, but that’s when things started to get sticky. Solo fought to get on the roster, first as an alternate and then finally as the starting keeper. At this point, Untold becomes less about Solo’s career and more about her mistakes. Solo had plenty to say about the federation, but she also had a lot to say about former teammates and players—the exact thing that got her into trouble back in the day. She publicly voiced her displeasure over being pulled from the 2007 World Cup semifinal in favor of Briana Scurry. Solo opens up even more about that situation and the fallout in her episode. 

Solo blames veteran players Abby Wambach and Kristine Lilly for her benching and says that she was completely ostracized from the team by the players and coaches. It wasn’t until Pia Sundhage became the coach that she felt part of things again. But Solo had less-than-kind things to say after a loss to Sweden in the 2016 Rio Olympics. Unfortunately for Solo, it was two strikes, and she was out. Overnight, she was suspended from the team and stripped of her contract.

But she didn’t stop fighting for equal pay—or with former players. Solo told Untold that she thought the settlement the USWNT came to after their lawsuit was a disappointment and that the 99ers had no place in the spotlight after making the decision. Of the 99ers, Solo said, “They should be proud of [their winning legacy]. That’s about all they should be proud of,” claiming that they left future interactions of this team with a toxic work environment and no retirement plan.

The pride Solo has in her game, and her family also seems to be the thing that gets her in trouble the most. Hope feels her teammates, coaches, and the federation failed her and cast her aside. Whether this episode of Untold sways public opinion or gives the keeper some peace, we have the whole picture now. She was a spectacular player, one that totally changed the face of goalkeeping, and what seems most unfortunate after watching her tell her story is that she never got her farewell game, her proper send-off. Solo talks about the many ways that accepting a Hall of Fame nomination was difficult, but at the end of the day, it is where she belongs.

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