What You Should Know About The Sports Bra Project

The Sports Bra Project is a new movement in women’s sports that is about getting girls involved with the game by providing them with the proper equipment they might be lacking. This equipment, sports bras, are often necessary to play, yet many girls might not have access to them. This problem is overlooked by the sports community, but vital to get girls involved with their favorite sports. Currently, the program is supported by 70+ organizations, has donated to 30 countries and has raised over 10,000 sports bras.



The History


To get to know how this movement came to be, history is very important. The inception of Title IX in 1972 created a law to ensure the opportunities for girls and women to have the same academic and educational programs that boys did. The legislation extends into sports as well. However, women still faced barriers when participating in sports even years after the law was passed. The SportsBra project has shed light on this law by honoring Title IX’s 50th anniversary through a sports bra drive.

The movement was created in 2018 by Sarah Dwyer-Shiick, who found it absurd that some athletes do not have access to sports bras.



The Why

The creation of the Sports Bra project acknowledged the barriers women face in the world of sports and the power that essential sports equipment has to increase women’s involvement. Furthermore, the SportsBra project normalized the experiences of female athletes to boost their self-esteem and participation.



The How

The Sports Bra project creates access to sports bras through Sports Bra drives and donations. In addition, the project focuses on reaching women with limited access to sports bras, given their economic status. They are distributed with the help of partner organizations. Overall, despite being based in the United States, they also have hopes for a global impact.



The Current Involvement

In recent times, the Sports Bra project has been expanding on a national level. Soon, some of your favorite teams will be getting involved. One of those is Gotham FC, which will host its first sports bra drive at the Red Bull Arena. Seattle Reign FC is also getting involved. Overall, seeing professional athletes and teams participate in the program recognizes how important the program is for female athletes.

On an international level, the Sports Bra project has reached one of the farthest countries: Australia. Recently, the SportsBra project announced its new partnership with Women Sport Australia. The project’s universality has gained support in Australia and created a new movement there.


The Sports Bra project redefines what a team is regardless of age, geography, or skill level. Additionally, it brings together women worldwide to find commonality in their experiences and lift each other up. Girls Soccer Network is incredibly excited to see the growth in this program and how further outreach will continue.

Featured image via @sportsbraproject on Instagram



