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Our Five Key Takeaways From the Equal Playing Field Documentary

The documentary Equal Playing Field was released last week. It tells the story of women soccer players, coaches, refs, and medics representing around 30 countries and their journey to break the records for the soccer matches played in the highest and lowest altitudes to represent top to bottom change.

However, this wasn’t the only story that the film told. The film touched on a universal journey: being a woman in sport and a woman in the world. Here are five essential takeaways from the documentary:

The Boundaries to the Game

The boundaries to playing soccer around the world as a girl are insane. One player described being dressed up as a boy when she was little to play. Other players spoke about their experiences with abuse, and through all of the adversity faced as women, they all still fought to play the game.


The Journey up Mt. Kilimanjaro 

Getting to the top of Mount Kilimanjaro is literally crazy. These players hiked for five days, with wicked nightly temperatures. Players endured altitude sickness, headaches, and nausea. Not to mention the fact that the hikes every day were all day long. The dedication from Equal Playing Field is just so inspirational; they’re creating real change.


We Can Change Culture

Culture can change so quickly. Nearing the end of the film, the initiative was playing a few games in Jordan. During the first game, the police showed up to shoo young boys from watching the women’s soccer players since it is taboo. Yet, on the second day, the boys were back and watching without interruption. In a day, the culture in this place was changed, and anybody who wanted could watch the women play. 


The Struggle is Real

Sexism is alive and well around the world. One player described her journey to play professional soccer in Brazil, but when she finally learned enough Portuguese to ask to see her contract, she saw the club’s president had let her sign for $0. It may take different shapes and forms in different cultures, but it is still here, and our struggle is real. But, amazing people, as shown in this documentary, are working to spread awareness and tackle it to the ground.


Women Are Unstoppable

Women are amazing. Yes, of course, we all already knew this. But, after watching this documentary, watching these women trek five days up a mountain just short of 20,000 feet high, endure altitude sickness, and STILL play a full 90-minute soccer game on a regulation-size field? Women are strong and unstoppable. 


Overall, it was an incredible watch. It showed the power of soccer in uniting these players, even amid language barriers, physical challenges, and more.

