Top 5 Mobility Drills for Soccer Players

Mobility is a major aspect of properly functioning joints, strong muscles, and increased performance. By doing mobility exercises, a Soccerista can warm up their joints, prepare their muscles for play, reduce the likelihood of injury, and increase their controlled range of motion.


What does that mean? It means your body will thank you for prepping it, caring for it, and optimizing its strength through movement.

Mobility is the ability to move a joint actively in a controlled movement through its full range of motion. The foundation for better movement and strength development could also be your edge over the competition.



5 Top Mobility Drills for Soccer Players


These are a great way to open up your hips. You can do these seated with your knees bent to 90 degrees, feet flat on the floor, and hands supporting behind you as you slightly lean back. From here, you drop the knees from side to side, bringing each hip into internal and external rotation. Wipers are great for loosening up the hip joint and prepping the muscles for performance and change of direction.



CARs Hips

Controlled Articular Rotations. This exercise rotates the hip through its greatest range of motion with a controlled, tense movement. Hip CARS can be done standing or on hands and knees. If kneeling, you bring your knee out to the side and then rotate around to the back and down. Reverse direction and focus on the core, staying engaged the whole time. CARs help strengthen the joint capsule and musculature surrounding it. The better a joint can move, the better a person can move.


CARs Shoulder

This exercise rotates the shoulder joint through its full range of motion with the same controlled, tense movement. In the hands and knees position, with a straight arm, bring your thumb towards the ceiling. Once the bicep is lined up by the ear, rotate that arm around to the side and down in back as the thumb rotates, ending pointing down to the ground. Core stays engaged. Think throw-ins and shoulder strength for defending, 50/50s, or shielding the ball.



Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch to Hamstring Stretch

This exercise will prep the hip flexors for powerful kicks while stretching the hamstring for running the field. As you get in the kneeling lunge position, make sure the front knee and heel are stacked on top of each other. As you reach your arms overhead, you’re squeezing your glute on the kneeling leg at the same time. Inhale as you reach up, then exhale and sit the hips back toward your back heel while straightening the front leg into a hamstring stretch. Work on keeping the back nice and flat and leading that stretch by reaching your chest towards your front foot. Make sure you breathe and try to relax in the movement. Alternate from kneeling hip flexor stretch into hamstring stretch fluidly. Hold each stretch for three deep breaths. Switch after about a minute or two on each side.



Deep Squat with Rotation

The deep squat position will continue to open your hips up to prep you for performance. Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width. Sink your hips as low as possible, keeping your feet flat on the floor (heels down). Take a nice deep breath and press your left elbow into your knee as you reach your right hand up towards the ceiling, gently rotating in your torso. Take two breaths and switch sides. Keep alternating, allowing you to sink deeper into your squat and twist.


This video demonstrates each of the five mobility exercises for soccer players. Do each exercise for 1-2 minutes and repeat 2-3 times. There are many mobility exercises that benefit a Soccerista, but these five are a great place to start. The better your joints move, the stronger your body can become, and the more dynamic your performance. Mobility will really change your view of your body. It is key to becoming a better soccer player on the field. Give the video a try!



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