What is Motivation and How Do Soccer Players Tap Into It?

Motivation. Who needs a dose? Whether it’s to get your homework done, do your chores, show up to practice, or show out at game time. You need it. I need it. We all need it. Here’s how soccer players can tap into motivation.



What is Motivation?  

According to Psychology Today, motivation is “a condition inside us that desires a change, either in the self or the environment.”  Motivation is goal-directed behavior resulting in a person taking action. This is where “what is your why?” come in. If you know your “why” behind the task at hand, it will propel action. People who don’t have a “why” seem unmotivated to take action.  


There are two main types of motivation called intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation is doing something because it’s fun and you enjoy it. Extrinsic motivation is doing something because you’re forced to do so (coaches or parents telling you to do it). We are also motivated by goals, desires, and values. 


How Do You Tap into Motivation?

  1. Figuring out why you’re playing soccer will help direct your motivation. For example, are you doing it because you enjoy it or because you’re forced to or seek external approval? Without motivation, you will be less likely to excel on the field.
  2. A study by The Sport Journal highlights, The biggest and most common reason that affects soccer performance is soccer motivation or lack of it. Without motivation, all soccer players will crumble under the various pressures and problems soccer manages to throw up. Generally speaking, the hope of success and the fear of failure guide motivation. When you lack self-belief and confidence, there is a good chance you also lack motivation.”

The Link with Confidence

A big part of being a Soccerista will be learning to build your confidence and belief in yourself. That will keep you going. The more you practice, the more you build confidence. The more you understand the game and yourself, the more self-belief you have. It’s key to learn how important making mistakes on the field is so you can continue to stay motivated towards growth as an athlete. 

  1. Creating a vision board can give you a daily visual reminder as to why you love to play and what your goals are to keep you tapped into motivation. Hang it up in your room, so you see it every day!
  2. If you’re looking for pre-game motivation, having and listening to your own playlist as you get ready or on your way to your game can have a major impact on your performance. It’s like a boost of motivation straight to your body through your brain.
  3. Training coaches on motivation, supportive atmosphere, and finding out individual motivation factors for their players can also help cultivate an environment for a Soccerista to access motivation, self-determination, and confidence. Creating a family environment with the team will create a sense of duty and protection, which will transfer onto the field—motivating each player to play for each other. 

Motivation is a widely, continuously studied topic. The more you can learn about what fuels you as a player. The better you will be at learning how to tap into motivation. In my opinion, intrinsic motivation will take you much further than extrinsic (doing something for the approval of others). Sit with yourself to find out your “why,” write it down, and use the other tips from above to take your performance to the next level by tapping into motivation!


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